Academic Departments
   The Faculty of Agriculture consists of five departments, Department of Agronomy, Department of Horticulture, Department of Animal Science, Department of Agro-Industry and Department of Fisheries.
Department of Agronomy
   The Department of Agronomy emphasizes teaching and conducting research in the area of production of crops of economic importance. Examples of courses offered include Production of economically crops, Plant Breeding, Seed Technology, Pasture Management, Biotechnology for Crop Improvement, Information Technology and Remote Sensing for Agricultural Tasks. You can check out degree requirements and the rest of the courses offered in the Department of Agronomy from this link.
Department of Horticulture
   The Department of Horticulture emphasizes teaching and conducting research relating to important horticultural crops of high economic values. Examples of courses offered include Pomology, Economic Vegetables, Floriculture and Ornamental Crop Production, Plant Propagation, Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops, Principles of Tissue Culture, and Mushroom Production. You can check out degree requirements and the rest of the courses offered in the Department of Horticulture from this link.
Department of Animal Science
   The Department of Animal Science emphasizes teaching and conducting research in the area of production of economically important livestock such as beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine and poultry. Examples of courses offered include Animal Health, Primary Animal Product Management, Applied Animal Nutrition, and Application of Information Technology to improve the efficiency of farm management. You can check out degree requirements and the rest of the courses offered in the Department of Animal Science from this link.
Department of Food Technology
   The Department of Agro-Industry emphasizes teaching and conducting research in the area of agro-industry products. Examples of courses offered include Food Chemistry, Food Microbiology, Food Processing, Food Engineering, Product Quality Assurance, Agro-industrial Product Development, Agro-industrial Plant Environment and Sanitation and Packaging. You can check out degree requirements and the rest of the courses offered in the Department of Agro-Industry from this link.
Department of Fisheries
   The Department of Fisheries emphasizes teaching and conducting research in the following areas including Taxonomy of Fish, Fishery Management, Aquatic nutrition, Aquaculture technology, Aquatic farm management, Water quality analysis and management for fisheries and Fish processing technology. You can check out degree requirements and the rest of the courses offered in the Department of Fisheries from this link.
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